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How does Physical Therapy help someone recover from a stroke?

By Imago Rehab, as featured on LinkedIn
3 minutes

Happy Physical Therapy Month! We wanted to further explore physical therapy (PT) in neurologic recovery as well as introduce two new members of the Imago Rehab team. That’s right…we are expanding our virtual service line to include physical therapy in Massachusetts, and soon to expand in our other states as well. Let’s get started!

In general, PTs have a reputation for helping people walk, build strength, and recover endurance. These are all true about PTs, however there is a lot more to it than that. With recovering mobility, PTs have to teach individuals to plan out movements that previously may have come without a second thought. The progression of their recovery may go from teaching someone how to sit up in bed again, how to stand up from a surface, then stand by themselves, eventually guiding them through the motor sequences of walking or climbing stairs. PTs are there every step of the way to help people recover their mobility. With some conditions, walking or walking unassisted as a means of mobility may not be feasible. PTs help people obtain mobility devices that suit their needs like walkers, or different kinds of canes, or crutches. They also help people obtain and design wheelchairs to meet their customized needs and ensure individuals are safe and as independent as possible using their device.

To give more insight into the mind of a neuro PT, let’s hear from Rebecca Langdon, PT, DPT!

Rebecca has been a physical therapist for 3 years. She rotates between orthopedic and neurologic units at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital and is joining our team as a part time therapist. She is being joined by Julie Shane, DPT, an experienced neurologic physical therapist.

When asked what made her want to specialize in neurological recovery, Rebecca said:

“How different every patient’s journey is. With neurological recovery, there is no crystal ball to know how much recovery someone will make and what that will look like.”

For patients, Rebecca is there for the long haul, making her role as a PT complex and dynamic. She was asked what she felt was the most important role of a PT in neurorecovery:

“Helping patients move in a safe way! Moving is key to unlocking more movement and we are the problem solvers and movement experts to make sure it can be done in a safe and realistic way!”

There are many parts of being a PT, and specifically a neuro PT, that she loves. However, when asked what her favorite part of being a neuro PT was, Rebecca stated:

“My favorite part about being a neuro PT is working so closely with patients and being able to celebrate their achievements. Those look different for everyone based on their goals and diagnosis and being able to adapt your treatments to help them reach those achievements is very rewarding.”

As Rebecca continues to celebrate the goals achieved and successful adaptations, she is there to help her patients through the hard times. With this, she was asked what her one biggest piece of advice would be from a neuro PT:

“Keep track of where you are. Looking back on the little goals that you achieve over the days, weeks, months, add up so much. Sometimes it is hard to see the progress you have made, so keeping track of goals as you progress helps you take a step back and realize how far you have come!”

Thank you, Rebecca, for all you do and for giving us insight into how our neurological PTs think in order to help individuals achieve their goals!

Interested in virtual occupational OR physical therapy from home?

Imago Rehab spun out of Harvard University in 2021 offering our virtual Occupational Therapy services and piloting soft robotics for hand recovery after stroke. We are now adding physical therapy to continue to build our rehabilitation program and provide well-rounded care for our clients. If you have had a stroke and you are interested in receiving our accessibly virtual physical therapy services, please contact us!

Serving adults with stroke in Massachusetts, Virginia, Tennessee, New Hampshire, Florida and Texas!

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