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Remote Occupational Therapy

Woman doing tele-health physical therapy

Embarking on occupational therapy (OT) for neurological rehab can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. You’re eager to regain independence and improve your daily life, but perhaps unsure what lies ahead. To ease your mind, here’s a glimpse into what you can expect:

Initial Evaluation:
  • Meet your OT: You’ll get to know your occupational therapist, who’ll discuss your medical history, diagnosis, and goals for therapy.
  • Assessment: Expect activities to assess your functional skills in daily living, such as dressing, bathing, cooking, and using transportation. Your cognitive abilities, fine motor skills, and sensory perception might also be evaluated.
Therapy Sessions:
  • Personalized Approach: Your OT will design a unique program tailored to your specific needs and challenges.


  • Adaptive strategies: Learn modified ways to perform everyday tasks using assistive devices or creative techniques to overcome limitations.
  • Cognitive rehabilitation: Engage in activities to improve memory, attention, problem-solving, and communication skills.
  • Vocational rehabilitation: If your goal is returning to work, your OT will help you assess your capabilities and identify potential job modifications or training opportunities.
Home Practice:
  • Reinforcement is key: You’ll likely receive exercises and strategies to practice at home to solidify your progress and build confidence in independent living.
Communication and Support:
  • Ask questions: Feel free to clarify any doubts or express any concerns you have throughout the process. Your OT is there to guide and support you.
  • Teamwork matters: Remember, your recovery is a collaborative effort. Collaborate effectively with your OT, doctor, and other healthcare professionals involved in your care.

Overall, expect occupational therapy for neurological rehab to be a collaborative and empowering journey. Your OT will focus on helping you regain skills and adapt to your limitations, enabling you to participate in meaningful activities and live a fulfilling life.

It’s time to get your body working again.

Simply complete our online request form and one of our intake coordinators will contact you within one business day.